What are the advantages of playing online slots?

There are several advantages of playing on online slots. First of all, online slots are of course available anytime, anywhere. But the games themselves also differ. For instance, online slots often have a much better RTP, many more special features ánd the online progressive jackpots are generally much higher than those in classic casinos.

How do I prevent my account from being restricted?

Of course, ideally you should not have to deal with restrictions from bookmakers. So the question is, can you do anything about this or are you powerless? There are some things you can do to reduce the chances of restrictions. We have put them here for you, take advantage of them!

What does it mean when your account has never been restricted?

Don’t worry if you have never had to deal with bookmaker restrictions. Be happy! Most gamblers bet for fun and usually the amounts involved are so small that bookmakers are not worried at all. Besides, most punters lose regularly or bet on the type of bets bookmakers love (especially multiples).

How do bookmakers work?

Bookmakers are traditionally known as the ‘accountants of the horse racecourse’ and this is for good reason. They take money as stakes on various outcomes of a race or contest and they pay out money to those who predicted the outcome correctly. The aim of this ‘accountant’ is of course so that when the balance… Continue reading How do bookmakers work?

How are points calculated in all-round and sprinting?

Each distance counts equally on average. The time ridden in seconds per distance is kept. And each distance is converted back to the 500 metres. A points total is then produced from that. The person with the fewest points becomes the champion.

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