Is Rugby a high contact sport?

Yes, tackling is very commonplace. There are rules against certain types of contact, such as high tackles, neck, or air challenges. Rugby players wear less protective gear than most other athletes, and its not uncommon for a “blood-bin” to be placed along the field.

What does WBO stand for in Boxing?

The World Boxing Organization originates from a rules dispute at the annual WBA convention by a group of Puerto Rican and Dominican businessmen. The WBO has had a hard time getting recognized by the other associations. Especially in the USA. Today, the World Boxing Organization is respected as one of the four large boxing organisations.

What does IBF stand for in Boxing?

International Boxing Federation. Losing his bid against Gilberto Mendoza for the WBA presidency in 1983, Robert W. ‘Bobby’ Lee decided to initiate a third world-wide boxing organization. During its early period, the organization was rather obscure and various scandals made the IBF infamous. Though in recent years the IBF seem to have matured as an… Continue reading What does IBF stand for in Boxing?

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